Competitions: Structure and Rules
I. Introduction
A. The purposes of Camera Club competitions are to help members improve their photographic and post processing skills and to provide a forum for the display of their creative work.
B. The Competition Committee’s duties are to: identify competition themes, conduct competitions, keep records of entries, assure that rules are enforced, maintain the Judging Criteria and Point System and recommend changes in Competition Structure and Rules to the Steering Committee.
C. The Competition Committee consists of the Competition Committee Chairperson, a Competition Committee Secretary and other appointees.
D. The Competition Committee Secretary will document each competition entry, keeping a running yearly record of numeric scores for each competitor and the awards they receive.
E. The judges and Competition Committee will be the arbiters of possible infractions of the competition rules. Committee members will recuse themselves of disputes involving their work. Judges are barred from entering Competitions they officiate.
2. Eligibility of Images
A. Competition images must originate in a camera operated by a Citrus County Art Center member and be creative original work of that member.
No part of the image may come from sources other than those of the photographer entering the competition.
Example #1: Replacing the sky. You may change the sky in your photograph with a sky you photographed but not one purchased or copied.
Example #2 Textures. You can add a texture to your photograph that you created but not one you purchased.
B. Members are encouraged to enter images that are representative of their current work.
C. Only a file format of .jpg or .jpeg is allowed.
D. Images may not consist of collages, or compositions. Example: You cannot “glue” together several different images to make one image.
E. Images (modified or not) may not be reentered in future competitions.
F. Award winners that meet end-of-year criteria will be automatically entered into those competitions if such a competition is held.
G. Images containing a watermark or member's name within the boundaries of the image or print are ineligible.
H. The judges, and/or the Competition Committee, may remove from competition any image that: does not conform to the Structure and Rules of Competition, is believed to be in poor taste, or does not meet the requirements of a themed competition.
3. Rules of Competition
A. Members may enter a maximum of two images per competition. This number is subject to change by the Steering Committee.
B. Entry's will be accepted up to the announced submission deadline. Any photograph coming in after that set time (usually noon on Sunday one week and a day before the competition).
4. Special Rules for Printed Images
A. Print submissions must be accompanied by a digital copy that was submitted 48 hours prior to the Competition.
B. Prints must be mounted on a substrate, or backing, at least 1/16 inch thick to ensure the print is adequately protected and supported for viewing. (Note: Commonly used double ply mat board is sufficient even if it does not measure precisely 1/16 inch.) Over-mats, sometimes referred to as window mats, are acceptable for use without restrictions with respect to color.
C. Prints cannot have shrink-wrap, tissue, or other material over the front surface that necessitates removal for viewing. Mounting board and matts may not exceed 20 inches along the longest side. Minimum size for the image will be 8 inches on any side.
D. Prints must not be framed, have hooks, wet glue, or any other object or substance on the back or front which may mar or damage another print in handling.
E. Prints must have the photographer name and the print title on the reverse side of the mount with an arrow indicating the top of the print. The photographer’s name must not be shown on the face, or front side, of the print or mount.
F. Print submissions will be accepted up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting on Competition night.
5. Competition Awards
Merit Awards: Awards given on the basis of points within each level of competition.
Best-of-Merit Awards: Awards to the top five point winners and ties within each level of competition.
Judges Choice Award: An award selected by each judge based solely on the judge's individual preferences.
6. End of Year Awards
Most Awards: Annually, the Club will recognize the photographer with the most awards.
Most Points: Annually, the Club will recognize the photographer with the most award points.
Members Choice: Entries are all Best-of-Merit Award winners. Winners are selected within each level, by votes from the total membership.
7. Judging
Selection of Judges: Judges will be trained volunteers from the Club Membership, or guest judges.
Judging Criteria: Judges will use the Judging Criteria outlined in
Judging Criteria
Judging Criteria 2022
TECHNICAL (1-5 points)
How Technically Correct is the Photo? Sharpness, Detail, Depth of Field, Color, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Use of Light
TECHNIQUE is the approach use to create the image.
LIGHTING – the use and control of light – Manmade or natural.
IMPACT (1-5 points)
The WOW factor – The impact one gets viewing an image the first time. Story telling refers to the image’s ability to evoke imagination.
COMPOSITION 1-5 points
Where is our eye lead to in the picture?
Does cropping support the subject dominance?
Is the photo void of distractions?
Is the photo balanced, and if not, is it creating the visual impact it should?
Proper composition holds the viewer in the image and prompts the viewer to look where the creator intends.
Total. Possible 15 Points
1= Weak
2=Below Average
3= Average
4= Above Average
5- Superior.
Required for Merit Award using two judges.
24+ points – Merit award
27+ points – Best of Merit